Bariatric Revision - The Weight Loss Surgery Center Of Los Angeles

Bariatric Revision In Los Angeles

Bariatric Revision Los Angeles

Rarely, patients may need to revise their bariatric surgery to remedy unwanted side effects, insufficient weight loss, and other complications. When this occurs, Dr. David Davtyan will perform your revision procedure in the most minimally-invasive way possible, ensuring you’re back on the road to an optimum weight. The revision surgery may be scheduled in Los Angeles or Beverly Hills.

Is Now the Time for a Bariatric Revision?

Reasons For A Bariatric Revision

There are a number of reasons you may require a bariatric revision, including:

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD).

GERD is a chronic condition that results in heartburn, reflux and potential damage to the esophagus. If you continuously experience these symptoms even after losing weight, it may be necessary to revise your procedure.


In rare cases, patients experience excessive vomiting as a complication of their bariatric surgery. When this occurs, Dr. David Davtyan can revise or reverse your procedure to permanently solve the issue and restore your quality of life.

Hiatal Hernia.

A hiatal hernia occurs when a portion of your stomach pushes up through your diaphragm, causing heartburn. If it’s large and causing symptoms, it may need to be repaired surgically.

Band Slippage (With LAP-BAND).

This complication occurs when the lower part of your stomach slips up through the band, creating a bigger stomach pouch above. When this happens, repositioning or replacement of the band may be necessary so your stomach and your band can continue functioning optimally.

Insufficient Weight Loss.

Though bariatric surgery is considered to be a very effective way to treat obesity, some patients may not lose an optimal amount of weight at first. In these cases, a revision may be necessary to correct any issues so you can lose the weight you need, as intended.

Contact Us Today for Your Bariatric Revision Consultation!

Should You Undergo A Bariatric Revision?

The decision to have your bariatric surgery revised is a personal one that will depend on your unique circumstances, complications and needs. In general, if you’re experiencing unwanted side effects, challenges and complications, or you’re not losing the expected amount of weight, it’s important to schedule a meeting with Dr. David Davtyan. During that appointment, he will carefully evaluate your concerns and help you determine if a revision is in your best interest.

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